How To Prevent Bugs From Coming Through AC?

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Bugs are drawn to various things in your room, including light, shelter, warmth, and food. The temperature inside your home is likely to be much warmer than the temperature outside due to the HVAC. So that’s why bugs get into your room through your AC unit.

Things to do to prevent bugs from entering through the AC.

Check that the air conditioner is correctly fitted.

You may connect your air conditioner carelessly to your ducting, leaving gaps that allow bugs to enter. An AC repair in Vancouver, WA professional, has sufficient experience with various types of air conditioning and can install it quickly.

Consider creating a rock garden.

Rock gardens are becoming increasingly popular due to their ease of upkeep and drought resistance. They also keep pests from building nests around your condenser. A rock garden can be made of attractive gravel bricks or even river pebbles.

Clean your rooftop drainage system to reduce the chance of pests.

Organic waste that is damp can accumulate in your gutters and downspouts. If it is not cleared out regularly, you will most likely have an insect problem on your property. Wet clusters of leaves that can’t dry out in these areas can attract ants, mosquitoes, and beetles.

Seal any visible cracks in the ducting.

Examine the connections between each available ductwork component. Pay attention to any areas that appear kinked or twisted. If you find any cracks less than an inch thick, seal them with duct tape. You can also take professional help for AC repair in Vancouver, WA.

Fill up any gaps with caulk.

When you find bugs in your home, use a caulk to seal the space around the air conditioner. Though some holes appear small, they allow tiny creatures to pass through.

Repair any water leaks.

Cockroaches are continuously on the lookout for water. A wet environment could be ideal for a family of roaches. You should look for and repair any water leaks as soon as possible. If you detect any water pouring from your condenser, it could indicate something wrong with your air conditioner.

Cover the AC vents with screens.

Bugs can be kept at bay by screening indoor and outdoor air vents. Install screening around the outdoor unit of a window AC unit during air conditioning installation in Vancouver, WA. Ensure that the screening is installed correctly, as small holes will allow bugs to enter the house.

Keep up with AC maintenance.

Insect infestation is also a possibility with ductless mini-split air conditioners. While the air conditioner condenser is a typical entry point for bugs, they can also enter through small, unprotected gaps in external walls and ducts. A thorough system assessment will provide a multi-pronged and needs-specific prevention plan to keep pests at bay.

Home Energy Group, Inc. is dedicated to ensuring that all of our customers have effective, trouble-free cooling during the summer months. Our AC maintenance and repair services are ideal for homes with unwelcome six-legged visitors. We also provide residential and commercial heating, air conditioning, and ventilation services at reasonable prices.

Call us today at 360-944-8616 or drop us a mail here to set up an appointment for air conditioning installation in Vancouver, WA.